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Cockle Cakes (welsh)

Ingredients & Directions

1 qt Cockles 1 oz butter
1 oz Oatmeal 1 egg
Cooking fat 2 pt water
3 oz Flour salt

TEISENNAU RHYTHON Leave the cockles to stand in slightly salted water
sprinkled with oatmeal overnight. Drain and scrub thoroughly to
remove grit and dirt. Place in a saucepan ot salted water and boil
for 3 minutes until the shells open. When coo! remove the coekles
from their shells. Rub the butter into the flour and add a pinch of
salt. Separate the egg yolk and beat lightly. Add the egg yolk and
water to the flour and beat until the batter is smooth. Heat the
cooking fat in a deep pan and using a spoon dip the cockles one at a
time in the batter and drop into the fat. When golden brown and crisp
all over, remove from fat. Serve with brown bread and slices of lemon.

4 Servings

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