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Chocolate Fudge

Ingredients & Directions

1 c Sugar 2 Bars bitter chocolate
1/4 c Butter 2 c Sifted powered sugar
1/4 c Milk 1 ts Vanilla
1 tb Light corn syrup 1/2 c Nuts

Mix in sauce pan (double boiler is best)….1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
1 tbsp light
corn surup

add when hot…………………………..2 bars bitter
: (that is, unsweetened baking choc) chocolate

Bring to boil. Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.

Add immediately………………………..2 cups sifted
confectioners (powered) sugar
Use more if needed.
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup nuts

Stir until sugar is conpletely blended. Turn into 8 inch square pan and
pat flat with fingers. Cool, and cut into squares when cooled.

This fudge has a less overwhelmingly sweet taste in comparison with those
that use sweetened chocolate. Its quick to make, harder to double.

Valarie Shearer

4 servings

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